10 Tips to Stay Safe this Summer

10 Tips to Stay Safe this Summer

Posted by Jordan Winn on Jun 13th 2023

Fireworks are a popular way to celebrate special occasions, but they can also be dangerous if not handled properly. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, it is important to follow these firework safety tips:

  1. Leave fireworks to the experts: The National Safety Council advises everyone to enjoy fireworks at public displays conducted by professionals, and not to use any fireworks at home. They may be legal but they are not safe. In 2017, eight people died and over 12,000 were injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks-related incidents.
  2. Know and follow your local laws and regulations: To ensure safety when using fireworks, it is important to know and follow your local laws and regulations. Check your local laws and ordinances to find out if fireworks are illegal where you live, or if certain “Safe and Sane” fireworks are permitted. Follow your local and state laws regarding the possession and use of fireworks. Be mindful of your surroundings and use common sense when using fireworks. If you have any questions about the local law, contact your local fire officials. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable fireworks experience while respecting your community's laws and regulations.
  3. Obtain fireworks from trustworthy vendors: It is essential to acquire fireworks exclusively from authorized sellers to guarantee their compliance with safety regulations and legality in your region. Steer clear of obtaining homemade or illicit fireworks, as they pose significant risks.
  4. Read and follow instructions: Take the time to thoroughly read and adhere to the instructions provided on the packaging of fireworks. Different types of fireworks may come with specific guidelines for safe usage, including proper methods of lighting and handling. Disregarding these instructions can result in accidents and mishaps.
  5. Use fireworks in an open area: Ensure fireworks are utilized in a spacious, unobstructed location, far from structures, trees, and other combustible items. Verify the absence of individuals or animals nearby, and maintain a safe distance when igniting the fireworks.
  6. Have a fire extinguisher and water source nearby: Keep a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water or a hose nearby when using fireworks. These will be important in case of any accidents or emergencies.
  7. Wear appropriate clothing: It is important to use all required personal protective equipment, especially protection for the head, eyes, ears, and feet.. Additionally, it is recommended to wear a protective suit and a hat, preferably a hardhat, when lighting fireworks. Safety glasses are recommended for those individuals lighting the fireworks and those individuals in close proximity to the fireworks. By wearing appropriate protective gear, you can minimize the risk of injury and ensure a safe and enjoyable fireworks experience.
  8. Never try to relight a “dud”: When handling fireworks, it is important to remember that if a firework does not ignite or fails to go off, never attempt to relight it. Instead, wait for at least 20 minutes before handling the dud firework. After waiting, soak the firework in water before disposing of it properly.
  9. Ensure proper disposal of fireworks: Once the fun is over, it is crucial to appropriately dispose of the expended fireworks. Soak them in water and carefully position them in a metal container. Store the container in a secure area, away from any heat sources, until you can arrange for their safe disposal.
  10. Be prepared for emergencies: For emergencies, ensure immediate access to a well-stocked first aid kit. Educate yourself on fundamental first aid methods, such as administering care for burns, cuts, or eye injuries.

By following these firework safety tips, you can help ensure that everyone stays out of harm’s way when playing with pyrotechnics. Remember, knowledge is power, and it’s also safety. Stay safe and enjoy the summer celebrations!